
Akihito Yokoi Saxophone Recital

Yesterday, a friend had a recital.
He has been studying in Keio University, which is not music college and doesn't have any music department.

He has been studying saxophone with Sumichika Arimura(I currently studying with him too!!) and his performance was so great!!!
He is kind of amateur player but I'm really wondering what amateur is.

Next month, he will graduate and will start working at a company, not related to music.
I hope he continue to learn saxophone, enjoy music and perform in public.

I write the program below.
How and what did he practice for this recital while his university life?

It is not easy to have a recital even music major student.
Some people say "I wish I have a recital" but many people don't.

He said he wants to have a recital when I met him at first time.
And, HE DID IT!!!!!!! Great performance, of course and he has so much passion for having a concert.

Anyways, I want to say congratulation and great job!
Otsukare-sama, Aki san!!

Akihito Yokoi Saxophone Recital Feb 22. 2013

A.Simonetti/ Madrigale
R.Muczynski/ Sonata for Alto saxophone and Piano Op.29
M.Matsuura/ Dreaming stone
F.Decruck/ Sonate en Ut#

D.Bedard/ Fantaisie
C.Franck/ Sonata pour Piano et Violin en La majeur

Saxophone- Akihito Yokoi
Piano- Masa Matsuura


音大生ですら、やりたいなあ止まりだったりするのに。 本当にその行動力というか。見習います。はい。。




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